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Meet Sanna Interesting challenges in public procurement

Sanna’s long career at VENI has prepared her for an interesting and challenging role in public procurement.

Sanna Lehvonen

Public Procurement Specialist

Sanna Lehvonen, a Public Procurement Specialist, has been working at VENI in electricity procurement and public procurement for 15 years.

“To an outsider, public procurement might sound a bit dry and strictly regulated. However, procurement law allows for surprisingly versatile implementations adapted to customers’ needs,” Sanna explains.

A typical workday consists of tasks related to public procurement processes. Sanna feels that diverse tasks strengthen her skills, and almost every day brings something new.

“It is particularly rewarding when we solve an issue that initially has seemed very demanding and difficult to implement. These moments truly give a sense of achievement.”

Sanna appreciates VENI’s company culture. “We genuinely care for each other and treat everyone equally. I also like that people here are given roles that consider their skills, personality, and interests. There is a great team spirit here,” Sanna concludes.

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Customer satisfaction at the core

Seija Ali-Lekkala is the trusted pillar of VENI’s customer service. Her top priority is to ensure that every customer is served in the best possible way.